
Friday, January 22, 2016

Winter Storm

We are having a winter storm here in Southern Arkansas. 2.2 inches of snow right now and more on the way. One report says 3 to 5 inches expected and the other 3 to 6 inches - either way it's bad out there and windy to boot. 

I heard a loud noise outside I saw two trucks back to back with scrapers on the front of them going too fast in my opinion. Those trucks are rarely seen in these parts but necessary this morning.

I walked outside with a flashlight to take this pic - it's not a good photo but yea we are getting snow in the flatlands of Southern Arkansas. It's suppose to stop about noon today, be very windy this afternoon and will be in the mid-20s here tonight.

My two female cats were investigating the white stuff earlier but it's gotten bad out there so they have come in and settled down.

Nut this morning. She was running outside then back in earlier but now has settled down because the winter storm is getting bad. She would rather sleep in the window so she can awake and look outside at times. She's hiding her face from the light and camera LOL.

 Honey this morning. She was up and at it earlier but has settled down since the winter storm has gotten worse outside. I've got blankets laying out all over for my 3 cats but Honey chooses to sleep on a box instead LOL... just like a cat!!

Pepper this morning. He's not been feeling well for the last 2 days - he's not a fan of cold weather and likes to keep warm instead ... I don't blame him. He's going potty and eating well but I think is bored inside and is sleeping quite a bit right now. Hope he feels well again soon.

What strange winter weather this year across most of the US.  I just hope everyone is safe and warm.

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