
Thursday, June 9, 2016

Spider or Ring?

The camera isn't great, so the pics aren't great but -- if you look closely at my finger (inside the red square) you can see 4 dark spots in a perfect shape. If you look at the ring, the stone is set in with the white gold prongs. Those 4 prongs fit perfectly over the 4 dark spots on my finger!

I believe the ring (which is worn on my middle finger) turned sideways and dug into my skin as I slept that night. The ring may not have been cleaned well enough before I went to bed and caused this damage! I know was very sleepy that night before bed. 

If it was a spider, it bit me twice and just so happens exactly where those prongs hold the stone in place. The way it's swollen this evening I'm able to see those 4 dark marks on my finger clearly this evening.

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