
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Living Alone: How to Keep From Going Stir Crazy

Living alone can have it's moments of boredom and loneliness but I have my own ways of curing that!
What I do:

1. Blog - I will sometimes blog when I feel up to doing so. I have even started a new movie review blog! 

2. Three Cats -  I spend time with my three cats when they are indoors. As long as my "babies" are inside I talk to them, play with or watch them play together, cuddle with them, clean up after them and constantly let them in and out of the house.

3. Cooking - I will cook myself a good meal. Something that sounds "fancy" like pasta with olives! Or maybe a homemade stir-fry (no frozen box dinners). Sometimes a hamburger is good to! Beef and noodles or fajitas! Ideas for cooking for one is endless!

4. Cleaning - I will turn on some of my favorite music and clean! Sweep, mop, clean the bathroom, clean out the drawers & cabinets, clean the refrigerator out, etc...  to the beat of my favorite tunes.

5. Music - I will listen to my favorite music and tag the tracks on Last.FM. Quite fun really!

6. Movies - I will watch movies online that will kill 2 hours quickly and enjoyably!

7. Review Movies - I have recently started to review movies on my IMDb profile and a new blog to go with it. That is becoming quite fun.

8. Online Gaming - I still love to play Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online.

9. Social Sites - I will sometimes go to Facebook and see what my friends have posted. Or I will post a few things there.

10.  Reading - I will sometimes look things up online out of curiosity or for knowledge. I've read all the books I have - some more that once!

11. Thinking - Yes thinking! I will just simply think about different things and if I'm curious enough I will read about it online if I wanna know the answer to a question I have in mind while thinking! I also wonder and worry about the future.

12. Fantasize - Well this is fun while pacing the floor or lying in bed, relaxing before I fall asleep! And get your mind out of the gutter - not that stuff! Instead I will think of fun things like ideas for a cool b-rated horror film! Or that space aliens have finally come to rescue me! Beam me up little green man! OR, my personal favorite: Time Travel! Where would I go and what would I do.

13. Go outside - walk about in the yard, watch my cats play outside, look at the sky - things like that!

14. Random internet searches - look for strange or unique item, websites, games and the like.

15. Dating Site - UGH! Yea I've rejoined POF again... talk to some people that are bored but not my type. Answer the same questions over and over from different people - drives me crazy. Well maybe I will met some someday. Sometimes I talk to someone via phone but usually by POF email.

16. Recipes - I will search for new recipes to try! Why not.. still fun to cook for yourself.

17. Sleep - when living alone you still need to get your sleep out!

18. Reminisce  - I think way back in my life at all the shoulda, woulda, couldas! I shoulda done that, I coulda done this and I woulda done that! LOL I also see where I went wrong and don't want to make those same mistakes again.

19. Videos - I will watch old MTV and other music videos on YouTube of some off the wall thing others have created. I sometime watch movie trailers or funny animal videos.

20.  Yahoo Answers - once in a great while I like to go there and answer questions, or simply read Q's and A's. I've asked a couple of questions too.

21. Organize - Sometimes I will better organize things around the house - but that is not very often - I like most things as they are already.

22. Clean the Computer - not just physical computer but the hard drive like deleting old photos, files, disk clean up, defragment, run virus/spy wear scans, check for updates, clear out cache, cookies, temp files etc...

23. Repairs - make a few repairs around the house here and there.

24. Online profiles - I will change my photos, sidebars  and add new content to them now and then.

25. Browsers - I will organize my browsers - then they become in a disarray again with all the bookmarks and I will have to remove the stuff I am no longer using again.

26. Family - talk to family.. shoot the breeze a bit. 

27. Friends - talk to friends online.. shoot the breeze a bit.

28. Threads - I will participate in my favorite website threads from time to time. Usually fun ones on Last.FM.

29. Quiet - enjoy the peace and quite time I get when I can get it.

30.  New Things - think of new things to do! What else can I do living in the country alone?!!

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