
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Middle of Day 3 Without Skipper

I still cannot find Skipper. A few possibilities as to what happened to him. How can he just disappear out of the yard in one hour???  It is bizarre that he was not outside with my two girls at 9pm... he's always with one of them... this is NOT like Skipper at all. Not like him at all - it's bizarre, unusual.

1. Someone saw him and picked him up. Yes he's scared of strangers but if he just coward down and not moved instead of running away then they could have easily picked him up. This thought angers me because they can see the house, the other cats and the fact that Skipper looked healthy... very healthy looking cat/kitten.
See how healthy my little boy looks... believe me he eats!

2. The neighbors dogs got loose again and chased him... very possible. But why didn't he stay with my two girls who were with him? Why wasn't he still in the area if that happened? Skipper still should have been in the area if he was chased for a little bit. AND I never heard nor seen the dogs out in the yard - but maybe I didn't hear or see them this time, I was busy for a bit. I last saw him at 8pm -- was busy in the house for a bit, then called my cats in at 9pm (girls came in not Skip. -- and I went out to look for him because he didn't show for supper). It's starting to push 72 hours now -- and not a sign or clue of him in the area.

3. Something did chase him for a bit, he out ran them and got lost. -- OR maybe he was playing and got lost. I've looked and called him for 3 days... Maybe he's just lost.

4. There are feral cats around here. Maybe he's with them? He is 5 months and almost 2 weeks old now -- and not neutered yet (vet said wait till 6 months old, he's not one that likes to do it earlier than that) so Skip could be easily starting to "like females" (to word it nicely) and found one to follow. But what about the MALE feral cats around here? They could have chased him off in the wrong direction too.

5. He's dead. Something got a hold of him like the coyotes around here or maybe bit by a poisonous snake.. there are poisonous snakes in this area: Cottonmouths, Copperheads and 3 types of Rattlesnakes around here. Also Muskrats, Possums, Skunks and I'm not sure what else. Hit by a vehicle (but I have walked the highway up and down both sides and no dead cat at all I can see). 

I hope he's just lost and wondering around and will find his way back home.... I miss him. I am preparing my self mentally for the fact I may never see him again. He maybe gone forever.

I've still have two wonderful female cats to think about too. 

Skipper come home soon please - we miss you.

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