
Thursday, February 4, 2016

I Dreamt of the Wolf Man

I *finally* dreamt of Lon Chaney, Jr as The Wolf Man! It was a cool dream! 

Lon was in his Wolf Man make-up I walked up to him and we talked (but I don't recall about what) - I do know we were waiting for Bela Lugosi and I think  Boris Karloff was the other. At one point we were watching the vehicles pull in and Lon put his Wolf Man paws around my neck in a buddy manner.  We got tired of waiting thinking Lugosi and Karloff(?) were just running late so we went inside the building.

Inside I laid down to sleep while Lon as Wolf sat in a chair talking to others (one being my Aunt) - I could hear them laughing and carrying on. The radio kept me awake along with bright light but I managed to almost fall asleep when a Wolf Boy appeared! He was 9 or 10 years old in Wolf make-up like Lon! He grabbed me and said "come on" - he started carrying me out the door. I said "it's cold out, my robe!" and Wolf Lon come running over, grabbed my robe and took off with us. I was being carried the whole way by this Wolf Boy and Wolf Lon was running beside us - all this at night in the full moonlight.

Next we were in a parked van, in the woods by a house at night. No seats in the back of the van where me and some other guy was hiding. Wolf Boy was still a wolf and in the drivers seat. Lon was his everyday self (out of Wolf Man costume) in the passenger seat. We were talking about the people outside the house hoping they didn't see us. The one man with a shotgun saw us, Wolf Boy ran to the back of the van giving Lon a clear shot. Chaney had a shotgun and started shooting at the man that had a shotgun. Me and the guy in the back laid down and covered our ears because of the shotgun blasts from Chaney was loud.

I was afraid that Lon was really going to turn into a Wolf Man because the full moon was rising. I was more afraid of that than the men Lon was shooting at. Then I woke up.

Strange but FUN dream! I get all of the dream except for the shotgun shooting part - I have no idea what that was all about. Also I have no idea where Wolf Boy comes from - he was neat but I don't get it. LOL.

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