
Friday, September 30, 2016

Nut-Nut HOME!

OMG! Nut-Nut was locked in a vehicle all night long! She's safe, shaken and full of food now! For 22 to 23 hours she's been missing! And my god was I worried! Apparently the firework kid scared her alright.. right into a vehicle that got locked with the keys inside of it! But, luckily, we got Nut-Nut to dance/bounce around enough to hit the lock button so she unlocked it!! MAYBE she bounced around and locked the door herself sometime over night BUT she didn't shut the door on herself -- that was an accident I know!! 

Grrrrrr.... I better NOT hear another freaking firework go off and scare my cats again... someone is going to get hurt!

 OH and the funny part, she honked the horn this morning -- why in the heck didn't she do that last night when I was calling for her? Hahahaa!!

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